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Spanish Language and Culture

Spanish coordinator:

Prof. Luis Abanto, MHN 243,


Spanish is spoken by over 400 million people around the globe and 21 countries list it as an official language. The increasing global influence of Hispanic communities and the richness and importance of the Spanish language open up an array of career opportunities. As a student in the Spanish program, you will learn the language and study Hispanic cultures, cinema, literatures, and linguistics. You will gain a broader perspective on Hispanic America and Spain, and also learn about the importance of Spanish as an international language. In addition, you can complement your formal studies with a wide range of social and cultural activities (films, lectures, conferences, Spanish Club, etc.), often held in partnership with various embassies and organizations in the National Capital region. You can also complete part of your studies abroad through exchange programs at universities located in Hispanic America or Spain.


Outdoor Lunch

Hiver / Winter 2023 - ESP courses

Cultura, linguística y literatura

Estos cursos se imparten en español. En caso de no poder inscribirte directamente en tu uOzone, envía un email a para obtener la autorización. Luego, tu facultad principal se encargará de hacer tu inscripción manualmente.

Cours de langue / Language course


Si vous ne pouvez pas vous inscrire directement dans votre uoCampus, veuillez envoyer un courriel à pour obtenir une autorisation. Ensuite, votre faculté principale se chargera de faire votre inscription manuellement.


If you are unable to enroll directly in your uOzone, please send an email to requesting the proper authorization. Then, your main faculty will be in charge of making your registration manually.

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